Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Top 5 Movies of 2010-Phantom Style

Because I saw 1 movie this year, but still want to contribute to the top 5 list-here are my phantom picks for top movies of 2010. These ratings are made up, and we're going to do it twitter style-140 characters or less.

5. Toy Story 3-I don't know, is Tom Hanks even still alive?

4. The Fighter-Because it's so risky to make a sports movie these days, as you only have one market that wil MAYBE need to see it in the theater-35-45 yr. males

3. Due Date-Saw it, laughed. Better than i thought it would be. And dogs jacking off.

2. True Grit. Run, don't walk.

1. Black Swan-A fucking pantspusher. COME ON!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tonight's gonna be brutal

Can't wait. might be the most excited i've ever been about a regular season game ever.
