Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Why must we go through New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? Exactly to the extent I love Christmas, I dislike the whole New Year's business. It comes too close to Christmas -- holidays should not be stacked back-to-back, rather, they should be spaced out through the year. After eating and spending to excess for Christmas, you are supposed to indulge and spend again just a week later. New Year's Eve and New Year's Day serve little function other than insuring January Blahs.
Ideally, a holiday should be transferred to some dull month -- say, March. New Year's sort of must come on Jan. 1. Solution: move Christmas. No one has the slightest idea what day Jesus was born. The reason for the choice of Dec. 25 has been lost to antiquity. Probably it had something to do with the early church choosing a date to coincide with existing Roman winter festivals. Eastern Christianity uses Jan. 7 as Christmas, showing the arbitrary nature of the date. Move Christmas to March! Or at least downplay New Year's, our dumbest holiday.
New Year's is: Champagne, lookback on the year that was(when we really mean wasn't), awkward glancing around at 11:58 for someone to kiss, watching the one you really want kissing someone else, yelling at taxi drivers, cold, the most depressing day ever the next day-now what, bad music, indigestion, unfulfilled goals.

If anybody wants to make out, I'll be in bed at 9, looking up random things on wikipedia.

1 comment:

  1. that's not where you were! definitely a good idea - christmas to march 2010, that's only two months away
